Sunday, April 5, 2009

For all of those who have fallen under the trap of's trap, well DON'T. I normally would NEVER dedicate even a quarter of my blah-g to an EW, but in this case, it's necessary. If you haven't been awn the LBR's sight, don't go now. It is ridiculous. The girl even pretends to be her own fans! She made up this "contract" that I apparently made. She ahb-viously wrote the contract herself, to make me look bad. Well, news fuh-lash for her, it is impossible to make me look bad. She was clearly jealous of me because I have so many viewers. Anyhow, she caught me in a good mood. So I am nawt going to be mean. I am Massie Block, nawt Assie Block. So, owner of that site, BEWARE. You have no idea who your dealing with. Consider yourself done, done and done.

Now, moving awn to more important things. Like..... GLU'S!! I have gotten soo many e-mails asking who are GLU'S. Well, the wait is over, and the list is finally here!!

Current GLU's
Alicia Rivera (duh!)
Dylan Marvil (duh!)
Kristen Gregory (duh!)
Claire Lyons (duh!)
Massie Block (duh x 10!!!)
Jacklyn Hearts
Katie Holmes
Nicolette P.
Honor (Name~so EC!)

^^F.Y.I.^^ In order to be a GLU, you have to regularly take action awn my blah-g, e-mail me, and want to be awn my mailing list. Some were exceptions. So, my advice to you: Comment and E-mail me! And I expect awll the GLU's to comment. Once your IN, buh-lieve me, it is NAWT easy to stay IN. Good Luck GLU's and congrats!

Also, I am going to London over break. My flight leaves tomorrow, first class! I probably won't be able to post again for at least ten days. I better see at least forty comments, and at least fifty e-mails. So, you GLU's better follow the rules, or else you'll be OUT quicker than white skinny jeans.



P.S. I'll post the Current State of the Union ay-sap. Keep updated!


  1. =) This rocks! Almost being a GLU is like awesome! Have a great time in London Mass!


  2. hay i am a big fan of you and you are so cool

  3. I am soooooo excited that my name is EC!!!!!!!!!! I really hated that name a while ago, but everyone always says, "That is an awesome name!!!" So yeah, and I really LUV your blog!!!!!!

  4. Do you want the State of the Union tonight?

  5. Love the Blog Massie but could you maybe check out mine at PS i am so glad i am a GLU


  6. For awll you GLU's, or s.t.b. (soon to be) GLU's, make sure you comment awn THIS post. Because this is the only one I am looking at to see who is an honorable GLU. So COMMENT AWN THIS POST!

  7. But you can say whether you agree/dont agree with the c.s.u. (current state of the union)

  8. i do agree- but there is no current 1... if it is the one from last time the definite~YES!

  9. I'm gonna post the new one....gimme a sec

  10. classie massie?! whut is that all about! so stupid! whoever thinks they can fuh-rame mass you have another thing coming!

  11. btw! mass ur blog tops all others! GLU- thank youu!

  12. I hate Massie imposer's it is so pathetic ps cant wait to c the Current state of union!!!


  13. Sorry I had to go to church! Luv the post thanx 4 making me a G.L.U.! so exitedx10
    Puhlease 4 give me!

  14. Do you 4give me Mass?! LOL just wanted to make sure you know I really am sorry! but I'll quit bugging you so I don't look like an L.B.R. luv the fact I'm a G.L.U. luv YOUR blahg!
    Check mine out at

  15. Massie thanks for all ur time on this blog it is awesome!

  16. Massie, I am so excited that I am a GLU!!!! It is VERY exciting!!!! And I am going to try and get one of my Clique girls, Kara, to check out your blah-g and post some little comments or something. She already has I see, but still, she should visit you more often!!!!

  17. Hey mass i E-mailed you E-mail me back PLS oh and could i PLS borrow the sweater you wore today SOOO cute LOL

    -Claire Bear

  18. Heeey again Mass. Have a nice trip to London! Sorry for naawt posting yesterdaay.

    'Shanique x

  19. Dear Mass,
    Is the person on
    the real claire or an imposter

  20. Then why isn't your blog onthe pc's website like all the rest?

  21. Because i have a blog outside the PC website

  22. k I just hate Claire imposters sorryx10 to jump to the wrong conclusion.
    very sorry
    Jacklyn Hearts

  23. Ehmagaawsh thanks Mass for your fab nickname for mee. Banana ;; Baaybiie. :)♥

  24. Massie can you post the Current State of the Union???
    Oh and by the way, my BFF is going to London on thursday! how cool!

    Luv Ya,

  25. Ohh, BTW have fun in Londiiiie Mass, :)♥

    'Shanique x b.k.a. Bananaa ;; Baaybiie ♥

  26. there weren't many comments so i commented again so we're closer to 40 like u wanted. U r sooo cool massie! have fun in london!

  27. click on Massies icon and there are webbies! Choose the current state of the union and there it is!!
    p.s. Mass-- e-mail me back!


  28. Massie i hope you have a great time in London!!
    Btw whats your fav movie?(p.s.nawt The Clique)

  29. If I get to be GLU (plz, lol) , please call me Ally. I'm on my mom's account cause I don't have a gmail! Thanks! Have fun in London! I totally luvvvvv ur blah-g and ur CSUs! btw, what's ur fave book and song?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. omg. i totally want to b one of ur glu's! ok then. bii!
