Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wow! I think that you girls have broken a record. Buh-lieve me, I am nawt kidding! I have gotten over fifty e-mails having to do with weight-loss! Soo, I have decided, and here is the question of the week: (I left the name anonymous, since the she was embarrassed)

Hi Massie,I'm a little embarrassed to ask this but:What kind of food do you eat? Its so hard to stay skinny yet you manage to do it so easily. Usually I eat yogurt and cereal and sometimes bagels but I want food with flair but still be able to stay skinny...Thanks!


Dear xxxxx,

The reason I'm capable of staying skinny is, well I have a guh-reat metabolism. Thank gawd! And F.Y.I. Lisi does nawt get the WHOLE story. I eat things other than tofu and salad. Buh-lieve me. GLU's have to have a little something once in a while.I'm guessing that you're between the ages of 12 and 15, and if you are then you should nawt be worrying about your weight. Usually, adolescents tend to have great metabolisms, and if you don't, I recommend going on http://www.bestdietforme.com/ to take the diet quiz. But xxxxx, I doubt you have anything MAJOR awn your hands, so puh-lease, eat whatever you want while you still can. {{When you hit a certain age, it tends to go right to your hips}} Best wishes!!

So for awl you girls asking about quick weight lost~even though you probably have nuh-thing to worry about~ e~mail me at:


Don't be afraid to ask questions like these, and leave a comment awn how you think my advice is. Thanks for reading, keep updated!




  1. Thanx Mass hey will you email me back lol jk oh next question wat is cute for people in the south w/o a designer store in sight and not much money oh and guess wat i'm so happy b/c i love all thangs that have 2 do w/ clique Wat is your fav junk food and do your parents not mind that you have sleepovers every friday night my mom won't even let me have 1 every month

  2. Best store in Georgia: Idk, Marshalls?? I've never been to Georgia...

    Junk Food: Grapefruit, sorry, i really don't eat junk food. I mean I steal some of Claire's gummies like once a month but other than that...

    Sleepovers: Well, that is depressing x 10 that you can only have one, once a month (if that) , but my parents don't care at awl. It's nawt like they even have to tell us to go to bed, I mean hello? Not only GLU need our sleep, but we WANT it so we can look like we do.

    Hope this helped,



  3. Jacklyn Hearts MassieMarch 31, 2009 at 6:10 PM

    k it did thanx 4 repling wat u think about RUE 21 lol you need to come visit me in the GA we r all peaches sweet and good looking lol um... tell the girls i said to live it up there while i try to create my clique down here OH! wat is your fav comeback

  4. Mass, u rock!!! Like, do u like the Jonas Brothers??? Another thing, I need some MAJOR advice!!!! I don't know what the IN COLOR is, so: What color do u think is exactly IN right now???

  5. Hey Katie this is Jacklyn Hearts purple is in because it's the official color of roalty

  6. hey will you and the other clique gurls read my blog and make comments thanx:) lol and i made one 4 u guys OH! also will you try to convince other people to read mine at thanx times 10 http://jacklynhearts.blogspot.com/

  7. Thanks Jacklyn, I don't know WHAT I would have possibly done!!!!! Most of MY stuff is pink, but I might change it to purple!!!!

  8. OK Massie, I have a HUGE question that you can, or can't answer if you do or don't want to. How much do you weight??? Oh yeah, and Jacklyn, checked our your Blog, LUVED IT!!!!!!

  9. Heey Mass. It's Shanique again. Thanks for the shoutout! && I totes get what you mean by the other designers out there, but I have an obsession of JC. Lol, on facebook I have 2 albums. :P
    Well anyways, I'm gonna go get ready to go back to school (it's lunch break)
    Cyahh, love yah loaddsz.

  10. Dear Massie and Bean,
    my mom took my clique books away when i got grounded and she might read them and she will hate them I just know it (she thinks they are'gossipy'.)
    How should i ask for them back?!?
    i have 2 do it soon or she will give them away

  11. Ohhh, Massie, I've decided today that I would print all the blah-gs you post. Is that ohhkay with you ?

    ' Shanique x

  12. OMG, I cannot buh-lieve that your mom took away your clique books!!!!!!!! I know how you might not be able to get them back, but you might not be able to lose them FOREVER!!!!! All you have to say is, "MOm, I know they are a little snotty and gossipy, but it makes me understand how other mean girls are, and how I shouldn't be mean to them just because they're mean to me." I think it might work!!!!

  13. Shanique, fine by me. It's actually fuh-lattering x 10

    love ya xoxo,


  14. Hey Katie know this is weird i am new to blogging but will you get your friends to read and follow me to promise to post Almost every single details with something at least 2 gossip point wahrthy lol Please follow me to I like just signed up and i would love it it would mean the most to me! lol anyway just wanted to let you know thanx... OH also just wanted anyone else to know that um i will be giving south tips... no not as MASSIE! as JACKLYN HEARTS everyone check it out and um leave comments and please follow.@ http://jacklynhearts.blogspot.com/
    Love Yas ;o

  15. Hehe, kaay. =]


    'Shanique x

  16. Hey girls, it's Mass. Just wanted to put an F.Y.I. across: The more you comment, the more I see that you like my blah-g. If you comment alawt, then I will post alawt. If there is nawt alawt of comments, I will hardly post. Soo, comment!

  17. hey mass luv the blog will you do me a favor please will you read my blog!http://jacklynhearts.blogspot.com/
    please leave me a comment to tell me if you like it or not G2G put my meeting 4 2morrow 2gether lol lunch time is only time we can meet
    Love Yas
    Jacklyn Hearts

  18. hey Massie its Claire LOVE the blog and pls come check out mine too its at http://clairelyonslife.blogspot.com/

    Talk to you at school tomorrow

  19. Sure Jacklyn, I will try and get my friends to follow you and like, leave comments and stuff!!!! I would LUV to do that!!!! I LUV Massie's blog, and yours!!!! I wonder if my friend Kaitlyn has a blog...

  20. Dear Katie just to let you know I have 2 mor blahgs. puhlease read and leave comments promis tht they are super funny and juicy! laugh your head off puhlus they have tips! Anyhoo um... I am learning how to do blogging through text so I can do a Blahgs at school and anywhere
    SOng Of The Day: Kiss Me Through The Phone
    Love Yas,
    Jacklyn Hearts

  21. Hey Massie if u dont mind me asking do you weigh less than 112 lbs.?
    Thats how much i weigh and im worrying that i am getting to fat.

  22. Hey guys could you come check out my blog and comment ? its at http://clairelyonslife.blogspot.com/ THX

