Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Schedule:

I have a new schedule for my blog. (can't say blah-g or buh-log right now, but ahb-viously blah-g is winning) 

There are going to be four parts to my blog. Here's the schedule:

1. My current Yes and Maybe's from Lucky will occur once a month.

2. Current State of the Union will be posted once a week. 

3. One actual e-mail, of my choice, that was sent to me for advice will be posted with my answer. (If I don't post your e-mail, then I will respond ay-sap!)

4.  Updates awn my life, and other important news will occur at least three times a week. I will try to post every day, but don't count awn it. I have a life you know! 

And thanks for awl the e-mails! Keep them coming, I have plenty of advice to go around!  

Comment and tell me if you like the new sched. I'm open to awl suggestions!




  1. This is a better schedule than usual...P.S the adivice is AWSESOME!!

  2. OMG Massie!!!!!!!! Like, u rock!!!!!! I wuz wondering, have u read the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling????

  3. Nope. Too busy. :)

    But I did manage to catch a glimpse of twilight....



  4. OOH! I luvvv Twilight... ahb-viously you can tell from my username but whatevs! Anyway, cool sched! Okay, so this isn't private but I'm really shy at school around girls or boys I don't know very well. With people I know, even if they're not close friends, I'm really outgoing and talkative. I'm not scared to talk to these people anymore, but my reputation is being shy, and if I just become social all the sudden, people will wonder if I'm schizofrenic (spelling?)... also, I can't be too outgoing as to get in trouble a lot because my mom is strict about school. What should I do? Thanks for the help!

  5. Heyyy Massie! I like, adore you X10! You are sooooooooooooooooooo good at pretending to me Massie (don't take this the wrong way lol) and I think you are way better at RP'ing then the other girlz. Please shout out for me?

    Love yah!

  6. Hey Massie its Claire just wondering if you wanted to check out my new Blah-g its at http:clairelyonslife.blogspot.com check it out BTW love the new sweater u were wearing today
